leopodstanicky al Mohsen Fachrizáde Mahábádí al Samuel Pati al Charlie Hebdo al Kathryn Steinle al Oleg Peškov al Saša Prochorenko

This WordPress.com site is the bee's knees or my blog

leopodstanicky al Mohsen Fachrizáde Mahábádí al Samuel Pati al Charlie Hebdo al Kathryn Steinle al Oleg Peškov al Saša Prochorenko

Zaha Hadid


Who Dares Wins ● Zaha Hadid




زهــا حــديد – مهنــدسـة معمـارية عالميــة


Nemecké lietadlo a dvere

pozrite si môj problém s dverami

Zlomil sa mi kľúč pri otváraní dverí

Tu je to iné: nemožno totiž nechať život cestujúceho na problém s dverami.
Vyjadril som sa dosť jasne?

Tj. žiadne dvere, ale:

1. piloti buď na zemi

2. policajti-jeden v kabíne, jeden pred ňou – s vytasenými búchačkami.

Je to jasné?

If you don’t understand Slovak, start now. It may save your life.

Chaotické Valachovo

Zahusťovanie Bystrice ju ruinuje v priamom prenose.

Je presným opakom veľkých ideálov mesta tak ako ich videli Niemeyer a Corbusier.

Pozrite si

Le Corbusier

Posledne developer chce skurviť Hušták, na ktorom vlastne nie je čo pokaziť.

Postavením obchodného centra na veľkej trávnatej ploche, ktorá nesmelo vyvažuje obrovský dopravný chaos všade okolo.


Postavia tam krabice a budú zarábať peniaze.


Pozrite sa ako bola Bystrica v centre plánovaná v 60-tych a 70-tych rokoch.


takže je to Štatistický úrad – BB, samý úrad 🙂

od Gymnázia SNP:


Od Koruny 🙂




Námestie Slobody s Leninom:



Pamätník SNP:



Veľký otvorený priestor od Pamätníka SNP až po ani neviem čo tam je, úplne vzadu za Gymnázium SNP. – ŠÚ SR je to


Jeden nádherný priestor, okolo ktorého je plnom dobre rozvrhnutých úžitkových budov.

Teraz je však doma peňazí a nie ideálov.

V úbohej Bystrici, kde sa obyvatelia boja napísať svoje vlastné meno.

To STE dopadli.


Germanwings, broken wings

How come ..

German pilot, 28 -too young

psychological history with proven record,

let alone in cabin …

parted with girl friend …

on sick leave he was hiding from employer

This really could not be prevented.

Cause it’s all wrong.

German wings, broken wings.

Please fill for bankrupcy.

This is not the way how to do your business.

In the US the co- would enter the plane just as a passenger and would have probably someone watching him.

Even in chaotic Czechia two pilot cabin must valid without exception.


File now.

Animals first


Just wonderful.

Views: 2,750

Very often the construction of roads and highways require a sacrifice of animal habitats. Care must be taken to not interfere with migration patterns and routes. Of course, some obstacles faced by animals are natural but when the obstacle is human-made, we have a responsibility to affect nature in the least disruptive way possible. That’s where these animal bridges and tunnels come in.

shutterstock_179731064photo credit: Mario Hagen / Shutterstock.

Sometimes it’s better to have methods in place to convince the wildlife to just stay on one side of the obstacle but this of course isn’t always the case; some animals migrate and move around to find greener pastures. Also, if animals are confided to small areas then you could suffer a loss of genetic diversity and witness the slow dying out of the population. This in turn will affect the rest of the animals and wildlife in the area.

As MinuteEarth’s video points out, it’s not just as simple as putting a bridge or tunnel in either. The diversity of nature means that one solution may work for one species but not for another, so a compromise needs to be found. With millions of miles of highways and motorways in the world this obviously isn’t a problem that can be tackled overnight but progress is being made and it’s a problem that is granted more attention in recent years.

In the U.S. alone it is estimated that about 1 million animals face a collision with a road vehicle (and no, that’s not even including the bugs that pile up on the front of your car or lorry). If the animal is big enough it may even result in an accident capable of taking the lives of those in the car as well. Even if the animal is small the accident can still amount a significant financial cost, not to mention the loss of an animal’s life and the disruption of nature.So, these wonderful animal bridges not only protect nature and save animals’ lives, they also save human lives and maybe a lot of money from your wallet too. Check out some of the coolest animal bridges below:

B38 – Birkenau, Germany

b38-birkenau-germany-animal-bridge-wildlife-crossing-overpassPhotograph via h4m on Reddit

The Borkeld, The Netherlands

the-borkeld-netherlands-animal-bridge-wildlife-crossing-overpassPhotograph via The World Geography

Scotch Plains, New Jersey, USA

scotch-plains-new-jersey-animal-bridge-wildlife-crossing-overpassPhotograph via Google Maps

Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, USA

montana-usa-animal-bridge-wildlife-crossing-overpassPhotograph via The World Geography

E314 in Belgium

Ecoduct Kikbeek over de E314.Photograph via Jarrl on Reddit

Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

banff-national-park-alberta-animal-bridge-overpass-wildlife-crossing Photograph via Izismile


You wanted the war you got the war

Why young islamic men killing tourists?

Because they believe they are doing the right jihadi thing every Moslem should be doing. Punishing non-believers for what their did to their countries:

What can we do with it?


This stupidity is just unlimited and eternal.


I believe USA are breeding those terrorists to have good grounds for military marketing.

Laco New York model

Nedalo mi a LACO je tu ešte raz – s chronografom New York.

Dovod: cena v kvalita

Plnohodnotný chronograf za cenu pod 2000 euro sa len tak nevidí. Retro dizajn zaručí, že hodinky budú vyzerať dobre aj o tisíc rokou. Majú dátumovník a ukazovateľ dní.

Na to čo majú vyzerajú jednoducho.

Nečudo,  firma má tradíciu v dodávaní meracích prístrojov pre nemecké letectvo.

Vie, že predať znamená milovať.

Tieto hodinky, tie budete milovať.

Laco New York

Laco New York